It Pays to Save
You can move your home or business toward energy independence for less than you now pay for heat and electricity. By investing in improvements, you can add value and dramatically reduce your ongoing energy costs!
Zero Energy Now Program Description for Homeowners
By taking advantage of special financing rates for energy upgrades, you can actually lower your monthly costs. If oil prices go higher, the savings are even greater.
Once the improvements are completed, you are free of the price volatility and environmental impact of burning fossil fuels and can enjoy the improved health and comfort of your home.
Energy Savings, Guaranteed
For projects utilizing the Modeled Approach, Zero Energy Now guarantees its energy savings estimates. If customers use more energy during the first year than we project, we will pay the difference. If customers aren’t satisfied with the quality of the work, we’ll fix it. For both Modeled and Checklist Approaches, the program guarantees work quality.
Savings Guarantee Claims Form and Language
Quality Guarantee Claims Form and Language
Infographic of results from the 2016-2017 pilot program
Full report of results from the 2016-2017 pilot program